Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Mystery Panta and Other Updates

Hello All! It's been a while, but I'm back. And yes, I did in fact finish my scarf and have worn it out in public several times now. So, mission accomplished, go me.

I've watched a couple of other knitting videos and well, as my husband frequently says, "Nothing to fax home about." There was one, however, that does stand out from the rest, and I'd definitely put it up there along with Nici McNally's video, which I still have yet to review (but in a nutshell, A++ all the way). The video I'm referring to is called "I Can't Believe I'm Knitting! in Motion". Would recommend it 100%.

In other knitting news, my friend, Sinteeuh, a frequent poster to my blog, has given me a task. To make a long story short, she bought a panta (head/ear wrap) at a local fair and has been posting to all sorts of knitting sites asking for the pattern. To me it looked like simple 1x1 ribbing that increases and then decreases the stitches. I gave it a shot and although the shape is more or less the same, the stitching looks slightly different. Since there are different methods of increasing and decreasing, it's possible that I just have to find the right one. I didn't have the patience to make a full size panta, so I did a mini version just to see if I can even do it. Not exactly the right stitching, but who knows, maybe one of these days I'll figure it out. For now, I'm all panta'd out.

I decided to start on another project. A few months ago, I found a pattern for the cutest baby booties I've ever seen. They're pretty popular on Ravelry. I'm not sure if I've mastered pattern reading just yet, but I'm trying. I started last night at 1 am. Not such a smart idea. I'm dying to see if they're going to turn out right and since I had an early morning meeting the next day, I decided to hang up the needles at 1:30am. So of course I'm deliriously tired but instead of running home right after work to take a nap, I'm going to pick up just where I left off, row 8.

Oh! And I made i-cord. I was always afraid and never bothered to look into it. Turns out it's easier than I thought. I-cord is just a tiny knitted tube. You can use them to make handles for bags, strings for tying, edging for a garment and many other things. So there it is, my first i-cord.

Stay tuned for progress on the booties. If they come out terrible, I'll just pretend that I never brought it up, I'll deny everything, so don't ask.


Anonymous said...

What language is "panta"? I've never heard of that before. It kinda looks like one of those knit hats South American Indians wear, like in the Andes. Do I have the right continent?

Hey, while I'm on questions, what does the title of your blog, Bacon in the Soap (BITS, to those in the know), refer to? I think I've read all your entries but if you explained that, I missed it!


jensita said...

Hi Ajay!
I'm not sure where the name came from. I think Sinteeuh might know.

As far as the name "Bacon in the Soap", it's a reference to the cartoon "Invader Zim". To make a long story short, on one of our first dates, my husband quoted a bit from that cartoon which included the phrase 'bacon in the soap'. It was the first time I had a laugh attack that lasted about five minutes. Good times :)