Saturday, January 12, 2008

No Juno for Us

So Friday night, the hubby and I were going to meet with our friends for a night out with Juno. The plan was to grab a quick bite at the falafel place, run to the theater and watch the much talked about film. Unfortunately, tickets were sold out. Instead we settled for a night in with chocolate rats, baklava and an intense game of Chez Geek.

Chez Geek is a card game where all the players are a bunch of geeky slackers who share a house. All players draw cards to determine what activities they can engage in (e.g., gaming nookie) and send undesirable guests to your roommates' quarters.

Card and role playing type games always get me nervous. They require the great skill of improvisation and wit that I simply don't have. I gave Chez Geek a try anyway. The rules aren't as complicated as similar style games, but they have more than 4 rules. After rule #4 of any game situation, all I hear are the mumblings of Charlie Brown's teacher.

All in all, I did have a good time. Turns out I won and didn't even know how or why. Something to do with rule #8, I guess. Woo-hoo! Go me.

1 comment:

BeeBee said...

Yay! You won! I never heard of the game before you mentioned it! I might have to get that for the next group function...